October 2021

October 1, 2021 – Whatcom Love INC Pulse

“Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:13).


God Provides The Jesus Taxi has 10 new volunteers, and two more have signed up for orientation next week. We’re thankful. This next month, we expect to go out and visit almost forty neighbors-in-need. Please join us. It’s fun, prayerful fellowship and service. You can sign up at http://whatcomloveinc.org/jesustaxi 

Neighbor Needs Notice – Have you seen our NNN (Neighbor Needs Notice)? whatcomloveinc.org/nnn


Help with Phone Calls – In addition to organizing the Jesus Taxi and providing a monthly lunch for mercy workers, our two staff receive calls from 80 to 120 neighbors in need each month. If God is calling you to volunteer with us, we could use some help with the phones! (email oskar@whatcomloveinc.org if interested)

Save the Date – November 12 – Our annual fundraiser will be a dessert at Bellingham Covenant Church (7pm). We look forward to sharing our story. God has been at work with Love INC. whatcomloveinc.org/fundraiser

Jesus Loves Us – He loves us!


The Rev. Nathaniel Kidd, PhD



Oskar Norlander

Relationship Coordinator