May 2022 Pulse

Whatcom Love INC Pulse 

Print Edition

May, 2022

When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment, for he was stripped for work, 

and threw himself into the sea. – John 21:7

What a joy it is, and a privilege, to share in this ministry of reconciliation – when we ourselves were the ones who needed to be reconciled to God first and foremost! May the Lord enrich your celebrations of his death and resurrection this Eastertide as we serve him together, even as we worship him in our different traditions and communities.

New Initiative: The Ride Help Network

Many people think that what we do with the Jesus Taxi is give rides to neighbors in need. What we actually do is connect local believers to local mission! But giving rides to neighbors in need is a worthy cause as well — and a great opportunity to make Jesus connections! — so it’s something we’re working on picking up in our offerings. We had our first advisory team meeting on May 2nd to try to determine if we could run the program, and how we would get it started. We’re still looking for folks who might like to drive, folks who might like to advise, and folks who might like to advocate with their congregations to drum up support for the program and new volunteers. 

Can you help? Let us know by sending an email to

Jesus At Work

In April, the Jesus Taxi was able to deploy about 29 volunteers representing 4 different churches to pray in the living rooms of 10 different neighbors in need across our community. Thant’s more than 300 Jesus-focused volunteer hours mobilized in our community this month!

This is your ministry! Your support through your prayers, donations, and volunteer hours makes it all possible. To learn more about how you can get involved, check out our website ( or reach out to Nathaniel (

Every Blessing in the Mighty Name of Jesus! 


Executive Director

Whatcom Love INC